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Baby Shower Cake

Saturday, February 25th, 2012

I had an opportunity to make a cake for a friend who, after having three boys is now blessed with not one, but two girls! Twins! (I see a mini van purchase in the near future). Today was her baby shower and she asked me to make a cake, using a couple of pictures she found online as inspiration. I was especially pleased as she started to unwrap the gifts because most of the clothing, blankets, bibs, etc. matched the cake. Lots of pink and brown! There’s something about that color combo that is so cute! Maybe because it reminds me of Baskin Robbins?

So, the first for me on this one was the fondant bow on top. I formed all of the pieces the day before so they would have time to dry and assembled it at the last minute. I had a hard time getting it to look seamless since the pieces had no give. (Notice the blob of fondant holding it together in the center…) I think next time I’ll put the bow together before the pieces are completely dry so they’re easier to adhere. That’s the fun part about being given some leeway with design; it allows you to experiment, and worst case scenario, switch to plan B if it doesn’t work.

I also planned to try out a quilted pattern on the top tier, but was afraid to try after putting the cake in the fridge. I just knew if I didn’t do this while the fondant was still soft it would probably crack, so I played it safe and left it alone. Next on the project list – a wedding cake for Wednesday and cupcakes for the following Sunday. Super excited!

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